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Weakness Is An Asset

Weakness Is An Asset

What if weakness was actually an asset rather than a problem? A lot of people are scared of being weak, and they're scared of getting hurt, they're scared of being seen as weak....

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New year, new you?

New year, new you?

It's always the same when you go to the gym in January - lots of people, most of whom you won't see there again after a few months. Why is that? New Year's resolutions. But...

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Taking Your Health Seriously

Taking Your Health Seriously

In 2004, I gave up coffee, chocolate, alcohol, and marijuana all in one day. That was the day I decided to take my health really seriously and take it in my own hands. This is...

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If we don't belong in this world, then there's no point us doing anything. We could be the most amazing achievers in life and not feel it in our hearts because we actually don't...

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Free Meditations

Free Meditations

Do you want to achieve more emotional balance and create more inner stability? We have five amazing free guided meditations you can access via the link below. There is one that...

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People quite often asked me this question all the time, what's my purpose and what am I here for? I think purpose is a state of being and everyone's purpose is exactly the same....

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Starting Something New

Starting Something New

Sometimes we don't want to start something because we're terrified of it failing before we even begin. This is very common, especially for people who want to change their life...

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