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No money = no success

No money = no success

If you really want to create success in your world, you need to break the money barrier. When we consider committing to something there are usually three major blockers – not enough time not having the money, or is it gonna work for me. If you want to make...
Vulnerability in Leadership

Vulnerability in Leadership

One of the hardest things for a lot of leaders when coping with people is the fact that most leaders don’t want to feel sad. And the reason reason for this is that they’re worried about what their tribe is going to think of them. They feel like they have...
Weakness Is An Asset

Weakness Is An Asset

What if weakness was actually an asset rather than a problem? A lot of people are scared of being weak, and they’re scared of getting hurt, they’re scared of being seen as weak. I’ve got a different opinion on weakness, I think it’s one of the...