Your score is {Total Percentage Score:146}% which means that your stress levels are low. You tend to be the calm in the storm and don’t get overwhelmed easily. This is a great skill and your calmness allows you to make clear decisions. Your calm energy helps other people be calmer too and allows you to hold space and listen to them more deeply. This is a great skill for anyone who would like to help people in whichever way, shape or form.
Sometimes you may be too relaxed and therefore not get things done. For you it is therefore important to create a clear future focus and take the steps towards the life that you want. Having deadlines in your plans to create a healthy amount of pressure to move is beneficial for you. If you are not sure where you want to go in life it is important to get help from people. Ask your family and friends what they consider your talents to be and work with a mentor to create a future plan you feel comfortable with.
You can download our free vision planner here to set goals and get momentum: