starts on the inside



What is the difference between the Wellness Breakthrough Academy and other coaching qualified institutions?
- The major difference is that the Academy framework focus is on personal development, unlike other institutions where the focus is how to coach and mentor others without looking at yourself first
- The Academy focuses on deep internal transformation to get students ready to dig deep with their clients
- We believe that by taking the inside out (personal development) approach, the more awareness and insight you gain, and the greater the impact you will have on others and the ability to lead others becomes much easier
- Our primary focus is personal development of the students as we believe the more developed you are, the easier it is to coach/mentor someone else
- Coaching is about questioning and helping the client/student to gain their own answers, whereas mentoring is about guiding the client/student to the answer. It is much faster and the more that we model this approach, the client/student is able to self-mentor, and self-manage more quickly
- The Academy approach does not involve Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- We focus on symbology and sacred geometry to help uncover subconscious programs and realign them using original techniques developed by founder Jason Irving through his 20 years of working one-to-one with clients
- We have a balance between emotional, mental, energetic, physical and spiritual concepts. Through exploring these concepts, we believe we are filling a gap that is sorely missing in the coaching industry
11 Things our members say they love the most about the academy!

"I love the accountability to myself that I have gained through the support and family environment I participate in"

"I love the connection and authenticity, not just with Jason and Anja, but with all the leaders and members I've met or interacted with online and in person; it's just so damn refreshing!"

"I love the supportive and real environment and the depth of work"

"I love the accountability for my mental and physical health, the push to grow and to challenge myself is unlike anywhere else I have been"

"I love the community. It's the people who help me to support myself, so that I can help others"

"I love the fresh approaches from the leaders. They have created a space where you instantly feel welcomed, accepted, honoured and acknowledged, so you can become an amazing leader as well"

"I love the depth and logical content, the understanding and acceptance of our psychological pain. It provides a better understanding of why we do what we do, with ways to change it if we choose to"

"I love how much I've changed, and the Academy leadership. I've never known such a humble, inspiring leader who is always looking to improve - such integrity"

"I love the reminder that life is about growth. I have found my purpose, gained tools to address my inner psychology and learnt how to reinforce boundaries"

"I love the approach that the Academy takes for introspective work. The approach is simple and there is no pain, only acceptance, and it's created an amazing shift in my life"

"I love the authenticity, the integrity, and the compassion"
The Academy Leadership Model
We teach our members to become leaders using the Academy Leadership Model – we live by these 10 core values. These are the values that have enabled us to find our purpose, push beyond our capabilities, set boundaries, and empower our students to transform themselves through deep introspection and encouraging them to become outstanding leaders.
Value 1 - COURAGE
We teach our members to become leaders using the Academy Leadership Model – we live by these 10 core values. These are the values that have enabled us to find our purpose, push beyond our capabilities, set boundaries, and empower our students to transform themselves through deep introspection and encouraging them to become outstanding leaders.
Too often leaders are either all talk no action, or run the ‘do as I say not as I do’ mentality. True leadership starts with modelling the behaviour that people struggle to achieve themselves. This instils consistency within your own behaviour, and shows others a level of authenticity – which earns respect from those you are leading.
Good communication requires a balance of the mind and emotions. Communication must have emotion behind it in order for people to follow you, and logic behind it so it makes sense to others. Emotions through words have meaning. You MUST work on your less dominant side in order to create strong leadership communication.
Emotional connection opens the heart and goes hand in hand with communication (value 3). You must CONNECT with your followers on an emotional level or they won’t listen to anything you have to say. The more vulnerable you (and they) feel, the more inspirational you will be as a leader.
Wisdom is nothing without action, and hidden wisdom is a waste. It is one thing to gather information; change and transformation can only occur with implementing what we have learnt. “Knowing” something is very different to “living” something! Wisdom is exposed through pain.
Value 6 - HUMILITY
The best step toward humility is to look within everyone to find wisdom and/or inspiration and LISTEN – we can learn from EVERYONE. Humility owns creativity. Humility must work with Focused Drive (value 7) in order to lead effectively.
Drive can lead to burn out, disease or death. Listen to your body (with humility) and slow down when required! Humility owns the rules whilst Focused Drive enforces them. You must let go of excuses and storytelling in order to really instil change.
Value 8 - VISION
Good leaders don’t live in the moment – they have a clear path toward their future. Vision requires a strong ‘why’! We must have a deep purpose and reason so we can create a great landscape for our future.
Leading with integrity is paramount. You must be honest with yourself and others, be accountable, and do what is right. Shame tells the story that bends us out of integrity. Authenticity, honesty and truth are found in integrity.
Value 10 - AWARENESS
Trust your instincts, use your wisdom and stand for your awareness with courage. Awareness brings choice and responsibility. Awareness and courage (value 1) are circular, you can’t have one without the other. The highest-level value AWARENESS, must have COURAGE in order to proceed in life.
The Academy Success Model
We teach our members to strive for success using the attributes of the Academy Success Model. We do not believe that physical accumulation is what creates success, it is psychology first.
Knowing why you are doing things is the most important thing for you to find out. The Academy’s motto is ‘purpose in your problems’, so by working with your problems, and triumphing over them, your deeper reason for being here is revealed.
We either give up when we hit the wall and return to our old life, or we find a way to challenge ourselves with the obstacles we face. Obstacles will always be there, and once we look at them as our solution towards achievement, they become the pathway towards freedom.
We often hide what we truly think and feel from the world, the goal is to deeply comprehend why our thoughts and feelings are there. Once we can do this, we begin to own our thoughts and feelings, rather than be owned by them.
Stubbornness, over or under confidence, and/or deep internal pain creates a rigid identity. Having the ability to listen to others and change our ideas empowers us to become adaptable in times of great stress.
Doing and/or saying what other people expect of us leads to exhaustion, powerlessness, apathy, and anxiety. Making decisions and following through with them builds energy, strength, vitality, magnetism and leadership qualities.
Knowing your values and living them are two separate things. The goal is to do as you say in a way that helps yourself and others.
When you have overcome your personal problems, you become the orchestra of change for others. You are able to provide help in areas that you have overcome yourself – giving hope, empathy, understanding and compassion to others.
FIVE things we are most passionate about!

1. Our members
When you have overcome your personal problems, you become the orchestra of change for others. You are able to provide help in areas that you have overcome yourself – giving hope, empathy, understanding and compassion to others.

2. Our Academy program

3. Our member's successes and breakthroughs

4. Our community